Course Description
HTML, CSS, Java Script, Front-End Frameworks/Libraries (React Js)
Week 1: HTML & CSS
Day 1: HTML Fundamentals
Session 1: Introduction to HTML
- HTML structure and elements
- Basic tags (headings, paragraphs, lists, links, images)
Day 2: Advanced HTML
Session 2: Forms and Tables
- Creating forms with different input types
- Building and styling tables
Day 3: CSS Basics
Session 3: Introduction to CSS
- CSS syntax and selectors
- Applying styles: colors, fonts, and text properties
Day 4: Layout Techniques
Session 4: CSS Box Model & Flexbox
- Understanding the box model
- Flexbox layout techniques
Day 5: Responsive Design
Session 5: CSS Grid & Media Queries
- CSS Grid basics and layout
- Creating responsive designs with media queries
Week 2: JavaScript Basics
Day 1: JavaScript Fundamentals
Session 1: Introduction to JavaScript
- Variables, data types, and operators
- Basic syntax and control structures
Day 2: Functions and Objects
Session 2: JavaScript Functions and Objects
- Function declaration and invocation
- Working with objects and arrays
Day 3: DOM Manipulation
Session 3: DOM Basics
- Selecting and modifying DOM elements
- Event handling and basic interactivity
Day 4: Asynchronous JavaScript
Session 4: Asynchronous Operations
- Callbacks, promises, and async/await
Day 5: JavaScript Project
Session 5: Hands-on JavaScript Project
- Building a small interactive application
Week 3: Introduction to Front-End Frameworks/Libraries
Day 1: Introduction to React.js (or Alternative Framework)
Session 1: Basics of React.js (or Vue.js/Angular)
- Setting up the environment
- Understanding components and JSX
Day 2: React Components & State
Session 2: React Components and Props
- Creating functional and class components
- Passing data using props
Day 3: React Hooks & Routing
Session 3: React Hooks
- Using useState, useEffect, and custom hooks
- Introduction to React Router for navigation
Day 4: Advanced React (or Alternative)
Session 4: Advanced Features
- Context API for state management (React) or Vuex (Vue.js)
- Form handling and API integration
Day 5: React (or Alternative) Project
Session 5: Hands-on Framework/Libraries Project
- Building a small application using React or another framework
Week 4: Integration and Best Practices
Day 1: Integrating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Session 1: Combining Skills
- Integrating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into a cohesive project
- Best practices for structuring code
Day 2: Version Control with Git
Session 2: Introduction to Git
- Basic Git commands and workflows
- Using GitHub for version control
Day 3: Performance Optimization
Session 3: Front-End Performance
- Techniques for optimizing performance
- Tools for performance analysis (e.g., Lighthouse)
Day 4: Accessibility & Best Practices
Session 4: Web Accessibility
- Implementing accessible features and best practices
- Ensuring cross-browser and cross-device compatibility
Day 5: Final Project and Review
Session 5: Final Project Work and Review
- Completing a final project integrating all learned skills
- Reviewing and presenting projects, and course wrap-up